Modern Electronics & Microcontroller Programming :VSE61
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Modern Electronics & Microcontroller Programming :VSE61
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Modern Electronics & Microcontroller Programming :VSE61
This course is designed for vehicle technicians who wish to improve their electronics knowledge. This is a brand-new course. Trainees will build on the information and practical exercises carried out in VSE60. Understanding modern mobility and the electrification of vehicles, is a key ingredient to technician’s further success and this course continues that journey. The course is practically based.
Course Content
- Continuing circuit analysis using PC based simulator
- Potentiometers, Photoresistors & Flemings left hand rule
- Arduino microcontroller declarations, variables and functions
- Transistors, H-bridge control & Integrated Circuits
- Understanding different motor types, servo, stepper & DC
- Developing code to control the various motors
- Use of Logic gates, Operational Amplifiers & Diodes
- Assembly and programming of an autonomous robot car
This course is for trainees who have completed the following courses VSE1, VSTD9, VSB40, VSH267 & VSE60. It is also recommended to have completed VSB10, VSB47, VSB53 & VSE55. This is a Master Technician Plus Course and the contents are at level 4+
- Understand programming Arduino sketches & debugging
- Potentiometers & Photoresistors operation and usage
- Understand motor control methods
- Understand the use of Transistors, Logic gates & Integrated circuits
- Programme Smart Car functions
- Trainee assessment will be practical exercises
Length: 2 days
There aren't currently any dates available for this course. New dates will be coming soon, please check back later.
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